Lots of business to get down to here gang! Grab a cup of tea or glass of water! And since I have the flu, I want to crank this post out so I can get back to bed! Even after taking too many naps to count today, my bed is pulling me like a fierce magnet.
So let's get to it shall we? It is time for a wrap up of Week 4 in the Power of One Challenge over at the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans
Last week's weigh in: 196.8
This week: 194.2
Loss: -2.6 (!!!)
Loss for the challenge to date: 1.6
I was very excited about my loss this week, especially in light of a 1.6 gain last week. Good to see the scale heading south again
Next order of business: My Biggest Loser competition kick off at my gym! You may remember I set this as a goal for 2011 and posted about it here here.
The kick off took place Sat. Jan. 22. I had my first weigh in (which was higher than Power of One because we had street clothes on). I met my teammates on Team Teal and picked up my T- shirt!
AND we had to post our weight loss goal for the 8-week program and write down three goals. These sheets of paper will be displayed on a bulletin board for the whole gym to see. Here's mine:
I know how important it is to write these goals down and to have them visible. I wrote them out again on a piece of paper at home where I can see them on a daily basis. I WILL meet these goals!
It was a great kickoff event. There is much more I want to write about it -- the previous year's winner spoke and shared some great tips about health and fitness in general and she wants to win again, of course, but hey she doesn't know about ME! lol. That Tribe Green from Shrinkvivor has me primed for competition!
My team consists of another woman and two men. At 43, I'm the youngest by quite a bit. I think one of the guys is probably about 70 and the other 65. The woman may be around 50. Who cares? They all inspire me already just because I know they signed up for this, plunked down money and are taking it seriously! I plan on rallying us throughout the 8 weeks to keep us tight and strong.
We had our first session with our trainer, Emily, on Monday night -- I was feeling lousy but still went because I did not want to miss the first meeting with my team and trainer. It was awesome! Got home took my temp and it was 101. To anyone at the gym, I am sorry. I really did not know I was THAT sick! And I won't go back until I am better I promise. (Yay's tonight's session was cancelled due to the weather! So I didn't have to miss it after all!)
Anyway, I have a lot i want to share about the insights the nutritionist provided. It has changed the way I am thinking lately and will give you something to think about too (ppsstt I am hoping the Sisterhood may let me do a guest post about it someday).
Lastly the update on my 2011 goal of doing one 5k per month. Time to cross off January!
Granted, this was on the treadmill. I was not able to get to a 5k in my area in January. I hit the 5k program on the treadmill at the hotel gym where DH and I had a mini staycation (I won an 2 night overnight stay in a silent auction for charity) and I ran/walked it until the 5k was complete.
Naturally, it is my best time! This was right after my Biggest Loser kick off and I was all ramped up and ran in my Team Teal T-shirt!
But I am not so much interested in the time as I am in the fact that to me, this counts even though it was not a "real" race. I AM signed up for 5ks in Feburary and March already.
The 5k in Feb. is NEXT weekend! My flu better be a zillion miles down the road by then!
PS -- I went to the dr. and she could tell I'd lost weight. She asked me how I was doing it. I told her all about The Sisterhood! And my re-commitment to WW and joining the competition at my gym. When I said i was 20 pounds lighter she said "That is the size of the turkey we had at Thanksgiving! You've lost a whole turkey!" Too funny!
If you have made it all the way to the end, I ADORE you! Here I am feeling like a dishrag, but I am endlessly excited about this journey that I am on and I am excited to be sharing it with you!