Speaking of WW. Allow me to participate in the regular True Confessions feature at The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans.
Here is my confession: Due to my overindulging at a family birthday party over the weekend, and a visit home to my parents and "road trip" food and an emotional eating jag that turned into a happy hour w/ adult beverages -- my WW tracker as we speak has a MINUS points plus total for the week. As in, I am way into the red! Ate through all 49 of my Weekly Points (in one day probably were I to take a closer look, but I don't really want to go in for the closer look) and then some. I have been exercising to bring myself back up to not being in the red. Fearing weigh in on Saturday. BUT the good news is -- yes there HAS to be some good news right -- is that I actually tracked all of what I ate and that has never happened. It really gave me a look a the big picture, as ugly as it was, there was no covering it up, no denial, no excuses. I own it.
That, to me, is progress.